Pictured below is a selection of rosary repairs I've been kindly asked to do from my customers. I have shown the before and after pictures for you to see. I have thoroughly enjoyed repairing and fixing these treasured rosaries. I hope you enjoy browsing through these rosary pictures
I offer a repair service for customers who would like to restore their rosary beads. I can restore handmade wire strung rosaries or chain rosaries, but I do not repair corded rosaries. Please contact me for further details
~ Broken rosary ~
Repaired Rosary |
The rosary had a broken centerpiece that needed replacing, I managed to find a similar design that the customer was happy with and repaired her rosary beads, gave them a polish and sent them back within 10 days
~ Broken rosary ~
Repaired Rosary |
The rosary had seven beads missing among the design, the customer wanted to use the rosary and if I could find a close match to the original beads that would be perfect. The customer was happy with the black wooden oval beads as a substitute, I used bronze wire links to match the original patina of the rosary, then gave it a polish and sent them back within 10 days
Fully Repaired
~ Broken rosary ~
Repaired Rosary |
The rosary had completely broken in several places, it was attached using pieces of elastic and bits of wire used by the customer, it needed a complete overhaul. The customer wanted to have a full repair, using strong beading chain and a brand new crucifix as the original had tarnished beyond repair. The glass beads were given a clean and polish, and a new crucifix with the same design was attached, the rosary was finished and sent back to the customer within 12 days
Fully Repaired