A detailed description of the semi-precious beads used within the rosary.

Mahogany Obsidian - Believed to have a gentle energy. Resonating with the earth it grounds and protects. A stabilizing stone that strengthens a weak aura.  Swarovski CRYSTALLIZED™ pearls - have a similar weight and lustre as the very best natural pearls. They have a crystal core with innovative pearl coating to simulate the look and feel of the real article. They are resistant to rubbing, perfume, sweat and UV light. They also warm to the skin like real pearls do, making them perfect for praying on. Dream Agate - Agate's most noticeable properties overall are balancing yin/yang energy, courage, protection, healing and calming. Agate is a very protective stone and offers comfort and strength. Purple Banded Agate - A very soothing stone that works gently to increase self confidence and heighten perception, it strengthens the body and mind also imparting courage. It aids your innate ability to recognise the truth and accept circumstances. Purple Banded Agate is a powerful healer.

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Unique Handmade Rosary By Emma Jane Brown

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