A detailed description of the semi-precious beads used within the rosary.

Sunstone - Sunstone is believed to bring luck and romance to the wearer.  It is also said to be a joyful stone instilling a sense of good nature and happiness. Swarovski CRYSTALLIZED™ pearls - have a similar weight and lustre as the very best natural pearls. They have a crystal core with innovative pearl coating to simulate the look and feel of the real article. They are resistant to rubbing, perfume, sweat and UV light. They also warm to the skin like real pearls do, making them perfect for praying on. Angelite - As its name suggests, Angelite is said to help attune the user with the angelic realm and to facilitate angelic contact. It is also said to heighten perception, enhance telepathic communication and to enable out-of-body journeys to take place, while still maintaining contact with everyday reality. It promotes feelings of peace and tranquillity. Aquamarine - A calming, soothing gemstone that also helps to cleanse the aura. It inspires truth, trust and letting go. Can help with physical, emotional and spiritual balance. Connected to the throat chakra,  aquamarine stimulates energy from the heart to the throat, allowing one’s deepest and heartfelt truth to be communicated easily.

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Unique Handmade Rosary By Emma Jane Brown

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